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Writer's pictureNancy, the Empathic Organizer

Let it go.

Life is a lot shorter than we can imagine. That I saw this past Thanksgiving weekend. A neighbor of mine passed away after a long illness and the apartment had to be cleared out over the weekend. This space was an accumulation of two people's lifetimes of acquisition of this couple's own creativity and artwork, their art collection and Staples. In a home with over 1200 feet, there was stuff that meant so much to them but not to their families who came by to pick up a few items. Bags and bags of everything from two bedrooms and two baths, a huge foyer and miles of built-in cabinetry filled to the brim with their life acquisitions went without a taker.

Once the family came and went, the rest was offered to a few neighbors and ultimately to a junk dealer who might or might not donate some of those belongings to charity. To me, it's a lesson of what things are important and what isn't and what to keep because you have loved it and what doesn't retain the value it provided when you acquired it. And that value is so subjective and always open to negotiation within yourself. I suggest you take a look around and determine what you really want in your space and what no longer has the meaning to you it once possessed.

You really can't take it with you and that is what I took away from seeing this space that meant so much to its inhabitants once and what happens when no one cares about what you loved when you were here. The same can be said of what we keep inside ourselves that clutter and obfuscate and confuse.   Let it go. We would all be so much lighter. So take note of what matters and take leave of what doesn't.

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